Ação Bixa Kamikaze #3
Acesso judicial
Bixa Kamikaze Action #3
Supreme Court access
Assistir a uma sessão de julgamento no Supremo Tribunal Federal montado de drag queen.
To attend a trial session at the Brazilian Supreme Court in drag.
Acesso judicial
Bixa Kamikaze Action #3
Supreme Court access
Assistir a uma sessão de julgamento no Supremo Tribunal Federal montado de drag queen.
To attend a trial session at the Brazilian Supreme Court in drag.
Para cada performance que realizo escolho os registros estrategicamente, pensando as viabilidades dos espaços e os compromissos que me disponho a fazer com suas normas. No Tribunal Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal, onde performei a Ação Bixa Kamikaze #3, a intensa segurança institucional limitou o uso do celular, que teve de ser operado discretamente pela minha amiga Matuza Dias. Conseguimos apenas duas fotos e alguns segundos do vídeo-registro da TV Justiça. Obtive também uma declaração oficial de que estava presente. Em contrapartida, distribuí aleatoriamente dez declarações autenticadas em cartório, em que atestava a existência da performance e a transformação do seu receptor, imediata e irrevogavelmente, em obra de arte.
I choose my performance's documentation strategically, taking into consideration the spaces' security and the commitments I'm avaliable do with their rules and standards. In the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, where I performed the Bixa Kamikaze Action #3, the institutional security limited the use of my cell phone, which had to be operated discreetly by my friend Matuza Dias. We only got two pictures and a few seconds of the trial's official video. I also obtained an official document stating that I was present. On the other hand, I randomly distributed ten declarations, in which I attested the existence of the performance and the transformation of its receiver, immediately and irrevocably, into a work of art.
I choose my performance's documentation strategically, taking into consideration the spaces' security and the commitments I'm avaliable do with their rules and standards. In the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, where I performed the Bixa Kamikaze Action #3, the institutional security limited the use of my cell phone, which had to be operated discreetly by my friend Matuza Dias. We only got two pictures and a few seconds of the trial's official video. I also obtained an official document stating that I was present. On the other hand, I randomly distributed ten declarations, in which I attested the existence of the performance and the transformation of its receiver, immediately and irrevocably, into a work of art.

Kit-guerrilha-kamikaze, 2018
Objeto-registro de performance
Maleta, declarações, vidro, carteirinha de estagiário da OAB, carteirinha de estudante de Direito da UnB, lápis de olho, barbeador, pincel de maquiagem, alfinetes, registros fotográficos da Ação Bixa Kamikaze #3: acesso judicial.
Briefcase, presence statements, glass, lawyer traine card, Law student card, eye pencil, shaver, makeup brush, pins, photos of Bixa Kamikaze Action # 3
10 x 45 x 33 cm
Galeria XXX, Brasília, 2018
Look Raoni Oliveira & Empório K
︎ Pedro Lacerda
Agradecimentos / Acknowledgements Marina Araujo, Luisa Günther.