Desaparecimento ativo
Active disappearence
Active disappearence
Em novembro de 2023, no 3º Salão Mestre D'Armas, em Planaltina-DF, apresentei conjunto de três obras que refletem sobre o patrimônio do país, sobretudo nosso regime político. Marechal Deodoro da Fonseca, primeiro Presidente do Brasil, chegou ao poder após um golpe militar, sucedendo a Dom Pedro II, com quem guardava algumas semelhanças visuais. Na transição do Império para a República, o que isso pode representar? Tal questionamento me instigou a relacionar a fotomontagem de Dom Pedro II em Revisão Histórica e o troféu Poder Executivo, da série Três Poderes (2019). Utilizando o mesmo molde com que fiz o busto em cimento de Marechal Deodoro, criei velas para serem derretidas performativamente, processo que denomino "desaparecimento ativo". A performance desempenhada na abertura do 3º Salão Mestre D'Armas teve a duração do derretimento total da vela mais elevada do castiçal, isto é, 2h45min, período em que permaneci a esculpir a obra.
In November 2023, at the 3rd Salão Mestre D'Armas, in Planaltina, I exposed three works that reflect on Brazil's heritage, especially our political regime. Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, the first President of the Republic, came to power after a military coup, succeeding Dom Pedro II, Brazilian last emperor, with whom he had some visual similarities. In the transition from Empire to Republic, what could it represent? This question prompted me to relate the photomontage of Dom Pedro II in Historical Review and the Executive Power trophy, from the series Three Powers (2019). Using the same mold with which I made the Marechal Deodoro's cement bust, I created candles to be melted performatively, a process I call "active disappearance". The performance at the opening of the 3rd Salão Mestre D'Armas lasted as long as the highest candle on the candlestick completely melted: 2h45min. During this period, I remained sculpting.
In November 2023, at the 3rd Salão Mestre D'Armas, in Planaltina, I exposed three works that reflect on Brazil's heritage, especially our political regime. Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, the first President of the Republic, came to power after a military coup, succeeding Dom Pedro II, Brazilian last emperor, with whom he had some visual similarities. In the transition from Empire to Republic, what could it represent? This question prompted me to relate the photomontage of Dom Pedro II in Historical Review and the Executive Power trophy, from the series Three Powers (2019). Using the same mold with which I made the Marechal Deodoro's cement bust, I created candles to be melted performatively, a process I call "active disappearance". The performance at the opening of the 3rd Salão Mestre D'Armas lasted as long as the highest candle on the candlestick completely melted: 2h45min. During this period, I remained sculpting.

︎ Jean Peixoto, Davi Lima
Agradecimentos / Acknowledgements Anne Floriane, Associação dos Amigos do Centro Histórico e Artístico de Planaltina, Carlos Monaretta, Cecília Lima, Davi Antunes Lima, Gisel Carriconde, Guido, João Angelini, Maria Eugenia Matricardi, Maria Lúcia, Miguel Simão, Pé Vermelho-Espaço Contemporâneo, Samara Lima, Sofia Ramos e Wagner Barja.